Marius Georgescu - OSC

Candidates Full Name

Marius Georgescu

Are you currently part of the committee they are applying for?


Is there a particular role within the committee that you are interested in, if so which and why? (if applicable)


What is your experiences within Intersect and Cardano?

I am also a stake pool operator [VIP] (Very Important Pool). I've closely followed every Plutus Pioneer Program since its inception and graduated the Emurgo Academy's Cardano Solutions Architect program. Completed a project catalyst proposal for Development of a Cardano DApp and extensive documentation of each step along the way (Project ID 1000064)

What are your pledges and plans should you be elected?

I pledge to focus on maintaining the legitimacy of the Cardano Open Source Project, ensuring security and quality in all developments, driving continuous growth and sustainability, and fostering a strong, collaborative open-source community.

Why should the community vote for you?

I have the experience, passion, and dedication to ensure the Cardano Open Source Project remains secure, innovative, and community-driven. My goal is to contribute to innovative and impactful solutions that leverage the power of blockchain and decentralized applications for managing identity, value, and governance !

Do you have any other Cardano affiliations or possible conflicts of interests, including you as an individual or an enterprise you are associated with?


Are you currently in receipt of or previously received any Intersect or Cardano funding or grant?

Completed a project catalyst proposal for Development of a Cardano DApp and extensive documentation of each step along the way (Project ID 1000064)

Last updated