Deane Thomas - Cardano Civics

Candidates Full Name

Deane Thomas

Are you currently part of the committee they are applying for?


Is there a particular role within the committee that you are interested in, if so which and why? (if applicable)

Having worked in detail on this topic in the workshop, there was a strong view that governance needs to be elaborated within the community. There needs to be a consistent approach and understanding to the role of governance, and how it affects the community. Simplified English to disseminate complex themes/topics to those who need it. We have to be able to communicate with all levels of society, in multiple languages, and in a lot of cases to communities that do not speak English as a primary language. These are important steps in ensuring that the language of our work is not a tool for exclusion or misunderstanding. If we are to bank the unbanked, then we have to think simple, stupid and from a zero knowledge perspective.

What is your experiences within Intersect and Cardano?

I have been active in the Cardano space since 2020 as an observer, as well as incorporating the technology into a real world project I am developing. I have extensive insight to communities and their growth. In 2022 I opted to mint a token for use in our project development. My project is around renewable energy, and the potential to create Carbon Credits relying on data from the blockchain and our technology. I have hosted a Cardano constitutional workshop in September 2024 in Mauritius, with Intersect MBO. I have a broad understanding of the Governance aspects along with the underlying philosophy of Cardano as a chain. I am not an investor and am therefore detached from the market and volatility - this is crucial in guiding thoughts and decisions that are in the best interest of the community.

What are your pledges and plans should you be elected?

We are the guardians of the Eco-system and must ensure the philosophies of the founders are embedded and maintained throughout. Our ethics are what elevates us to a new level of participation in an ever changing world. I will draw on my years of living in multicultural societies, and indepth work in creating healthy and sustainable relationships, in order to safeguard what we have achieved to date. Being based in the wider African continent, and working in a business that is focused on community development, I promise to share that knowledge and wisdom. I will work diligently with experts in order to reflect the needs of the network and upholding the core principals of decentralised governance.

Why should the community vote for you?

I am a mature entrepreneur who has built many real world technologies from zero knowledge. I engage daily with all walks of life, including regulators, governments and business leaders. I am involved in projects that are shaping a new energy nexus in Mauritius, and for Africa at large. I have a broad and in depth relationship with all levels of society, and understand the significance of governance. Maintaining a focus on solutions, I am able to provide the committee with a balanced and mature contribution.

Do you have any other Cardano affiliations or possible conflicts of interests, including you as an individual or an enterprise you are associated with?

I am in contact with members of Emurgo MEA in order to raise awareness of other projects that the ecosystem can become involved with.

Are you currently in receipt of or previously received any Intersect or Cardano funding or grant?

I have received a grant for the Constitutional Workshop

Last updated